public class ForgeEventFactory
extends java.lang.Object
Constructor and Description |
ForgeEventFactory() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static boolean |
canCreateFluidSource(World world,
BlockPos pos,
IBlockState state,
boolean def) |
static Event.Result |
canEntityDespawn(EntityLiving entity) |
static Event.Result |
canEntitySpawn(EntityLiving entity,
World world,
float x,
float y,
float z) |
static boolean |
canEntitySpawnSpawner(EntityLiving entity,
World world,
float x,
float y,
float z) |
static boolean |
canEntityUpdate(Entity entity) |
static boolean |
canMountEntity(Entity entityMounting,
Entity entityBeingMounted,
boolean isMounting) |
static boolean |
doPlayerHarvestCheck(EntityPlayer player,
IBlockState state,
boolean success) |
static boolean |
doSpecialSpawn(EntityLiving entity,
World world,
float x,
float y,
float z) |
static float |
fireBlockHarvesting(java.util.List<ItemStack> drops,
World world,
BlockPos pos,
IBlockState state,
int fortune,
float dropChance,
boolean silkTouch,
EntityPlayer player) |
static void |
firePlayerLoadingEvent(EntityPlayer player, playerDirectory,
java.lang.String uuidString) |
static void |
firePlayerLoadingEvent(EntityPlayer player,
IPlayerFileData playerFileData,
java.lang.String uuidString) |
static void |
firePlayerSavingEvent(EntityPlayer player, playerDirectory,
java.lang.String uuidString) |
static boolean |
fireSleepingLocationCheck(EntityPlayer player,
BlockPos sleepingLocation) |
static ZombieEvent.SummonAidEvent |
fireZombieSummonAid(EntityZombie zombie,
World world,
int x,
int y,
int z,
EntityLivingBase attacker,
double summonChance) |
static CapabilityDispatcher |
gatherCapabilities(Entity entity) |
static CapabilityDispatcher |
gatherCapabilities(Item item,
ItemStack stack,
ICapabilityProvider parent) |
static CapabilityDispatcher |
gatherCapabilities(TileEntity tileEntity) |
static CapabilityDispatcher |
gatherCapabilities(World world,
ICapabilityProvider parent) |
static java.util.List<<Entity>> |
gatherEntitySelectors(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> map,
java.lang.String mainSelector,
ICommandSender sender,
Vec3d position) |
static float |
getBreakSpeed(EntityPlayer player,
IBlockState state,
float original,
BlockPos pos) |
static int |
getExperienceDrop(EntityLivingBase entity,
EntityPlayer attackingPlayer,
int originalExperience) |
static int |
getMaxSpawnPackSize(EntityLiving entity) |
static java.lang.String |
getPlayerDisplayName(EntityPlayer player,
java.lang.String username) |
static java.util.List<Biome.SpawnListEntry> |
getPotentialSpawns(WorldServer world,
EnumCreatureType type,
BlockPos pos,
java.util.List<Biome.SpawnListEntry> oldList) |
static LootTable |
loadLootTable(ResourceLocation name,
LootTable table) |
static int |
onApplyBonemeal(EntityPlayer player,
World world,
BlockPos pos,
IBlockState state,
ItemStack stack) |
static int |
onArrowLoose(ItemStack stack,
World world,
EntityPlayer player,
int charge,
boolean hasAmmo) |
static ActionResult<ItemStack> |
onArrowNock(ItemStack item,
World world,
EntityPlayer player,
EnumHand hand,
boolean hasAmmo) |
static ActionResult<ItemStack> |
onBucketUse(EntityPlayer player,
World world,
ItemStack stack,
RayTraceResult target) |
static void |
onChunkPopulate(boolean pre,
IChunkGenerator gen,
World world,
int x,
int z,
boolean hasVillageGenerated)
onChunkPopulate(boolean, IChunkGenerator, World, Random, int, int, boolean) The Random param should not be world.rand, it should be the same chunk-position-seeded rand used by the Chunk Provider. |
static void |
onChunkPopulate(boolean pre,
IChunkGenerator gen,
World world,
java.util.Random rand,
int x,
int z,
boolean hasVillageGenerated) |
static ITextComponent |
onClientChat(byte type,
ITextComponent message) |
static boolean |
onCreateWorldSpawn(World world,
WorldSettings settings) |
static boolean |
onEntityStruckByLightning(Entity entity,
EntityLightningBolt bolt) |
static void |
onExplosionDetonate(World world,
Explosion explosion,
java.util.List<Entity> list,
double diameter) |
static boolean |
onExplosionStart(World world,
Explosion explosion) |
static int |
onHoeUse(ItemStack stack,
EntityPlayer player,
World worldIn,
BlockPos pos) |
static int |
onItemExpire(EntityItem entity,
ItemStack item) |
static int |
onItemPickup(EntityItem entityItem,
EntityPlayer entityIn,
ItemStack itemstack) |
static ItemTooltipEvent |
onItemTooltip(ItemStack itemStack,
EntityPlayer entityPlayer,
java.util.List<java.lang.String> toolTip,
boolean showAdvancedItemTooltips) |
static ItemStack |
onItemUseFinish(EntityLivingBase entity,
ItemStack item,
int duration,
ItemStack result) |
static int |
onItemUseStart(EntityLivingBase entity,
ItemStack item,
int duration) |
static int |
onItemUseTick(EntityLivingBase entity,
ItemStack item,
int duration) |
static float |
onLivingHeal(EntityLivingBase entity,
float amount) |
static BlockEvent.NeighborNotifyEvent |
onNeighborNotify(World world,
BlockPos pos,
IBlockState state,
java.util.EnumSet<EnumFacing> notifiedSides) |
static BlockEvent.PlaceEvent |
onPlayerBlockPlace(EntityPlayer player,
BlockSnapshot blockSnapshot,
EnumFacing direction)
static BlockEvent.PlaceEvent |
onPlayerBlockPlace(EntityPlayer player,
BlockSnapshot blockSnapshot,
EnumFacing direction,
EnumHand hand) |
static void |
onPlayerBrewedPotion(EntityPlayer player,
ItemStack stack) |
static void |
onPlayerClone(EntityPlayer player,
EntityPlayer oldPlayer,
boolean wasDeath) |
static void |
onPlayerDestroyItem(EntityPlayer player,
ItemStack stack,
EnumHand hand) |
static void |
onPlayerDrops(EntityPlayer player,
DamageSource cause,
java.util.List<EntityItem> capturedDrops,
boolean recentlyHit) |
static void |
onPlayerFall(EntityPlayer player,
float distance,
float multiplier) |
static BlockEvent.MultiPlaceEvent |
onPlayerMultiBlockPlace(EntityPlayer player,
java.util.List<BlockSnapshot> blockSnapshots,
EnumFacing direction)
static BlockEvent.MultiPlaceEvent |
onPlayerMultiBlockPlace(EntityPlayer player,
java.util.List<BlockSnapshot> blockSnapshots,
EnumFacing direction,
EnumHand hand) |
static EntityPlayer.SleepResult |
onPlayerSleepInBed(EntityPlayer player,
BlockPos pos) |
static boolean |
onPlayerSpawnSet(EntityPlayer player,
BlockPos pos,
boolean forced) |
static void |
onPlayerWakeup(EntityPlayer player,
boolean wakeImmediately,
boolean updateWorldFlag,
boolean setSpawn) |
static PlaySoundAtEntityEvent |
onPlaySoundAtEntity(Entity entity,
SoundEvent name,
SoundCategory category,
float volume,
float pitch) |
static boolean |
onPotionAttemptBrew(ItemStack[] stacks) |
static void |
onPotionBrewed(ItemStack[] brewingItemStacks) |
static boolean |
onReplaceBiomeBlocks(IChunkGenerator gen,
int x,
int z,
ChunkPrimer primer,
World world) |
static void |
onStartEntityTracking(Entity entity,
EntityPlayer player) |
static void |
onStopEntityTracking(Entity entity,
EntityPlayer player) |
static boolean |
onUseItemStop(EntityLivingBase entity,
ItemStack item,
int duration) |
static boolean |
renderBlockOverlay(EntityPlayer player,
float renderPartialTicks,
RenderBlockOverlayEvent.OverlayType type,
IBlockState block,
BlockPos pos) |
static boolean |
renderFireOverlay(EntityPlayer player,
float renderPartialTicks) |
static boolean |
renderWaterOverlay(EntityPlayer player,
float renderPartialTicks) |
@Deprecated public static BlockEvent.MultiPlaceEvent onPlayerMultiBlockPlace(EntityPlayer player, java.util.List<BlockSnapshot> blockSnapshots, EnumFacing direction)
onPlayerMultiBlockPlace(EntityPlayer, List, EnumFacing, EnumHand)
instead.public static BlockEvent.MultiPlaceEvent onPlayerMultiBlockPlace(EntityPlayer player, java.util.List<BlockSnapshot> blockSnapshots, EnumFacing direction, @Nullable EnumHand hand)
@Deprecated public static BlockEvent.PlaceEvent onPlayerBlockPlace(EntityPlayer player, BlockSnapshot blockSnapshot, EnumFacing direction)
onPlayerBlockPlace(EntityPlayer, BlockSnapshot, EnumFacing, EnumHand)
instead.public static BlockEvent.PlaceEvent onPlayerBlockPlace(EntityPlayer player, BlockSnapshot blockSnapshot, EnumFacing direction, @Nullable EnumHand hand)
public static BlockEvent.NeighborNotifyEvent onNeighborNotify(World world, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, java.util.EnumSet<EnumFacing> notifiedSides)
public static boolean doPlayerHarvestCheck(EntityPlayer player, IBlockState state, boolean success)
public static float getBreakSpeed(EntityPlayer player, IBlockState state, float original, BlockPos pos)
public static void onPlayerDestroyItem(EntityPlayer player, ItemStack stack, EnumHand hand)
public static Event.Result canEntitySpawn(EntityLiving entity, World world, float x, float y, float z)
public static boolean canEntitySpawnSpawner(EntityLiving entity, World world, float x, float y, float z)
public static boolean doSpecialSpawn(EntityLiving entity, World world, float x, float y, float z)
public static Event.Result canEntityDespawn(EntityLiving entity)
public static int getExperienceDrop(EntityLivingBase entity, EntityPlayer attackingPlayer, int originalExperience)
public static java.util.List<Biome.SpawnListEntry> getPotentialSpawns(WorldServer world, EnumCreatureType type, BlockPos pos, java.util.List<Biome.SpawnListEntry> oldList)
public static int getMaxSpawnPackSize(EntityLiving entity)
public static java.lang.String getPlayerDisplayName(EntityPlayer player, java.lang.String username)
public static java.util.List<<Entity>> gatherEntitySelectors(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> map, java.lang.String mainSelector, ICommandSender sender, Vec3d position)
public static float fireBlockHarvesting(java.util.List<ItemStack> drops, World world, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, int fortune, float dropChance, boolean silkTouch, EntityPlayer player)
public static ItemTooltipEvent onItemTooltip(ItemStack itemStack, EntityPlayer entityPlayer, java.util.List<java.lang.String> toolTip, boolean showAdvancedItemTooltips)
public static ZombieEvent.SummonAidEvent fireZombieSummonAid(EntityZombie zombie, World world, int x, int y, int z, EntityLivingBase attacker, double summonChance)
public static boolean onEntityStruckByLightning(Entity entity, EntityLightningBolt bolt)
public static int onItemUseStart(EntityLivingBase entity, ItemStack item, int duration)
public static int onItemUseTick(EntityLivingBase entity, ItemStack item, int duration)
public static boolean onUseItemStop(EntityLivingBase entity, ItemStack item, int duration)
public static ItemStack onItemUseFinish(EntityLivingBase entity, ItemStack item, int duration, ItemStack result)
public static void onStartEntityTracking(Entity entity, EntityPlayer player)
public static void onStopEntityTracking(Entity entity, EntityPlayer player)
public static void firePlayerLoadingEvent(EntityPlayer player, playerDirectory, java.lang.String uuidString)
public static void firePlayerSavingEvent(EntityPlayer player, playerDirectory, java.lang.String uuidString)
public static void firePlayerLoadingEvent(EntityPlayer player, IPlayerFileData playerFileData, java.lang.String uuidString)
public static ITextComponent onClientChat(byte type, ITextComponent message)
public static int onHoeUse(ItemStack stack, EntityPlayer player, World worldIn, BlockPos pos)
public static int onApplyBonemeal(EntityPlayer player, World world, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, ItemStack stack)
public static ActionResult<ItemStack> onBucketUse(EntityPlayer player, World world, ItemStack stack, RayTraceResult target)
public static boolean canEntityUpdate(Entity entity)
public static PlaySoundAtEntityEvent onPlaySoundAtEntity(Entity entity, SoundEvent name, SoundCategory category, float volume, float pitch)
public static int onItemExpire(EntityItem entity, ItemStack item)
public static int onItemPickup(EntityItem entityItem, EntityPlayer entityIn, ItemStack itemstack)
public static void onPlayerDrops(EntityPlayer player, DamageSource cause, java.util.List<EntityItem> capturedDrops, boolean recentlyHit)
public static boolean canMountEntity(Entity entityMounting, Entity entityBeingMounted, boolean isMounting)
public static EntityPlayer.SleepResult onPlayerSleepInBed(EntityPlayer player, BlockPos pos)
public static void onPlayerWakeup(EntityPlayer player, boolean wakeImmediately, boolean updateWorldFlag, boolean setSpawn)
public static void onPlayerFall(EntityPlayer player, float distance, float multiplier)
public static boolean onPlayerSpawnSet(EntityPlayer player, BlockPos pos, boolean forced)
public static void onPlayerClone(EntityPlayer player, EntityPlayer oldPlayer, boolean wasDeath)
public static void onExplosionDetonate(World world, Explosion explosion, java.util.List<Entity> list, double diameter)
public static boolean onCreateWorldSpawn(World world, WorldSettings settings)
public static float onLivingHeal(EntityLivingBase entity, float amount)
public static boolean onPotionAttemptBrew(ItemStack[] stacks)
public static void onPotionBrewed(ItemStack[] brewingItemStacks)
public static void onPlayerBrewedPotion(EntityPlayer player, ItemStack stack)
public static boolean renderFireOverlay(EntityPlayer player, float renderPartialTicks)
public static boolean renderWaterOverlay(EntityPlayer player, float renderPartialTicks)
public static boolean renderBlockOverlay(EntityPlayer player, float renderPartialTicks, RenderBlockOverlayEvent.OverlayType type, IBlockState block, BlockPos pos)
public static CapabilityDispatcher gatherCapabilities(TileEntity tileEntity)
public static CapabilityDispatcher gatherCapabilities(Entity entity)
public static CapabilityDispatcher gatherCapabilities(Item item, ItemStack stack, ICapabilityProvider parent)
public static CapabilityDispatcher gatherCapabilities(World world, ICapabilityProvider parent)
public static boolean fireSleepingLocationCheck(EntityPlayer player, BlockPos sleepingLocation)
public static ActionResult<ItemStack> onArrowNock(ItemStack item, World world, EntityPlayer player, EnumHand hand, boolean hasAmmo)
public static int onArrowLoose(ItemStack stack, World world, EntityPlayer player, int charge, boolean hasAmmo)
public static boolean onReplaceBiomeBlocks(IChunkGenerator gen, int x, int z, ChunkPrimer primer, World world)
@Deprecated public static void onChunkPopulate(boolean pre, IChunkGenerator gen, World world, int x, int z, boolean hasVillageGenerated)
onChunkPopulate(boolean, IChunkGenerator, World, Random, int, int, boolean)
public static void onChunkPopulate(boolean pre, IChunkGenerator gen, World world, java.util.Random rand, int x, int z, boolean hasVillageGenerated)
public static LootTable loadLootTable(ResourceLocation name, LootTable table)
public static boolean canCreateFluidSource(World world, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, boolean def)