All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods
Modifier and Type |
Method and Description |
void |
addAttributeModifier(java.lang.String attributeName,
AttributeModifier modifier,
EntityEquipmentSlot equipmentSlot) |
void |
addEnchantment(Enchantment ench,
int level) |
boolean |
areCapsCompatible(ItemStack other) |
static boolean |
areItemsEqual(ItemStack stackA,
ItemStack stackB) |
static boolean |
areItemsEqualIgnoreDurability(ItemStack stackA,
ItemStack stackB) |
static boolean |
areItemStacksEqual(ItemStack stackA,
ItemStack stackB) |
static boolean |
areItemStackTagsEqual(ItemStack stackA,
ItemStack stackB) |
boolean |
attemptDamageItem(int amount,
java.util.Random rand) |
boolean |
canDestroy(Block blockIn) |
boolean |
canEditBlocks() |
boolean |
canHarvestBlock(IBlockState blockIn) |
boolean |
canPlaceOn(Block blockIn) |
void |
clearCustomName() |
ItemStack |
copy() |
static ItemStack |
copyItemStack(ItemStack stack) |
void |
damageItem(int amount,
EntityLivingBase entityIn) |
void |
deserializeNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) |<java.lang.String,AttributeModifier> |
getAttributeModifiers(EntityEquipmentSlot equipmentSlot) |
<T> T |
getCapability(Capability<T> capability,
EnumFacing facing)
Retrieves the handler for the capability requested on the specific side.
java.lang.String |
getDisplayName() |
NBTTagList |
getEnchantmentTagList() |
boolean |
getHasSubtypes() |
Item |
getItem() |
int |
getItemDamage() |
EntityItemFrame |
getItemFrame() |
EnumAction |
getItemUseAction() |
int |
getMaxDamage() |
int |
getMaxItemUseDuration() |
int |
getMaxStackSize() |
int |
getMetadata() |
EnumRarity |
getRarity() |
int |
getRepairCost() |
float |
getStrVsBlock(IBlockState blockIn) |
NBTTagCompound |
getSubCompound(java.lang.String key,
boolean create) |
NBTTagCompound |
getTagCompound() |
ITextComponent |
getTextComponent() |
java.util.List<java.lang.String> |
getTooltip(EntityPlayer playerIn,
boolean advanced) |
java.lang.String |
getUnlocalizedName() |
boolean |
hasCapability(Capability<?> capability,
EnumFacing facing)
Determines if this object has support for the capability in question on the specific side.
boolean |
hasDisplayName() |
boolean |
hasEffect() |
boolean |
hasTagCompound() |
void |
hitEntity(EntityLivingBase entityIn,
EntityPlayer playerIn) |
boolean |
interactWithEntity(EntityPlayer playerIn,
EntityLivingBase entityIn,
EnumHand hand) |
boolean |
isItemDamaged() |
boolean |
isItemEnchantable() |
boolean |
isItemEnchanted() |
boolean |
isItemEqual(ItemStack other) |
boolean |
isItemEqualIgnoreDurability(ItemStack stack) |
boolean |
isItemStackDamageable() |
boolean |
isOnItemFrame() |
boolean |
isStackable() |
static ItemStack |
loadItemStackFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) |
void |
onBlockDestroyed(World worldIn,
IBlockState blockIn,
BlockPos pos,
EntityPlayer playerIn) |
void |
onCrafting(World worldIn,
EntityPlayer playerIn,
int amount) |
EnumActionResult |
onItemUse(EntityPlayer playerIn,
World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
EnumHand hand,
EnumFacing side,
float hitX,
float hitY,
float hitZ) |
ItemStack |
onItemUseFinish(World worldIn,
EntityLivingBase entityLiving) |
void |
onPlayerStoppedUsing(World worldIn,
EntityLivingBase entityLiving,
int timeLeft) |
void |
readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) |
static void |
registerFixes(DataFixer fixer) |
NBTTagCompound |
serializeNBT() |
void |
setItem(Item newItem)
void |
setItemDamage(int meta) |
void |
setItemFrame(EntityItemFrame frame) |
void |
setRepairCost(int cost) |
ItemStack |
setStackDisplayName(java.lang.String displayName) |
void |
setTagCompound(NBTTagCompound nbt) |
void |
setTagInfo(java.lang.String key,
NBTBase value) |
ItemStack |
splitStack(int amount) |
java.lang.String |
toString() |
void |
updateAnimation(World worldIn,
Entity entityIn,
int inventorySlot,
boolean isCurrentItem) |
ActionResult<ItemStack> |
useItemRightClick(World worldIn,
EntityPlayer playerIn,
EnumHand hand) |
NBTTagCompound |
writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbt) |