Class | Description |
AchievementEvent |
When the player receives an achievement.
AnvilRepairEvent |
Fired when the player removes a "repaired" item from the Anvil's Output slot.
ArrowLooseEvent |
ArrowLooseEvent is fired when a player stops using a bow.
ArrowNockEvent |
ArrowNockEvent is fired when a player begins using a bow.
AttackEntityEvent |
AttackEntityEvent is fired when a player attacks an Entity.
BonemealEvent |
This event is called when a player attempts to use Bonemeal on a block.
EntityItemPickupEvent |
This event is called when a player collides with a EntityItem on the ground.
FillBucketEvent |
This event is fired when a player attempts to use a Empty bucket, it
can be canceled to completely prevent any further processing.
ItemTooltipEvent | |
PlayerContainerEvent | |
PlayerContainerEvent.Close | |
PlayerContainerEvent.Open | |
PlayerDestroyItemEvent |
PlayerDestroyItemEvent is fired when a player destroys an item.
PlayerDropsEvent |
Child class of LivingDropEvent that is fired specifically when a
player dies.
PlayerEvent |
PlayerEvent is fired whenever an event involving Living entities occurs.
PlayerEvent.BreakSpeed |
BreakSpeed is fired when a player attempts to harvest a block.
PlayerEvent.Clone |
Fired when the EntityPlayer is cloned, typically caused by the network sending a RESPAWN_PLAYER event.
PlayerEvent.HarvestCheck |
HarvestCheck is fired when a player attempts to harvest a block.
PlayerEvent.LoadFromFile |
The player is being loaded from the world save.
PlayerEvent.NameFormat |
NameFormat is fired when a player's display name is retrieved.
PlayerEvent.SaveToFile |
The player is being saved to the world store.
PlayerEvent.StartTracking |
Fired when an Entity is started to be "tracked" by this player (the player receives updates about this entity, e.g. motion).
PlayerEvent.StopTracking |
Fired when an Entity is stopped to be "tracked" by this player (the player no longer receives updates about this entity, e.g. motion).
PlayerEvent.Visibility |
Fired when the world checks if a player is near enough to be attacked by an entity.
PlayerFlyableFallEvent |
Occurs when a player falls, but is able to fly.
PlayerInteractEvent |
PlayerInteractEvent is fired when a player interacts in some way.
PlayerInteractEvent.EntityInteract |
This event is fired on both sides when the player right clicks an entity.
PlayerInteractEvent.EntityInteractSpecific |
This event is fired on both sides whenever a player right clicks an entity.
PlayerInteractEvent.LeftClickBlock |
This event is fired when a player left clicks while targeting a block.
PlayerInteractEvent.LeftClickEmpty |
This event is fired on the client side when the player left clicks empty space with any ItemStack.
PlayerInteractEvent.RightClickBlock |
This event is fired on both sides whenever the player right clicks while targeting a block.
PlayerInteractEvent.RightClickEmpty |
This event is fired on the client side when the player right clicks empty space with an empty hand.
PlayerInteractEvent.RightClickItem |
This event is fired on both sides before the player triggers
Item.onItemRightClick(net.minecraft.item.ItemStack,, net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer, net.minecraft.util.EnumHand) . |
PlayerPickupXpEvent |
This event is called when a player collides with a EntityXPOrb on the ground.
PlayerSetSpawnEvent | |
PlayerSleepInBedEvent |
PlayerSleepInBedEvent is fired when a player sleeps in a bed.
PlayerWakeUpEvent |
This event is fired when the player is waking up.
SleepingLocationCheckEvent |
This event is fired when game checks, if sleeping player should be still considered "in bed".
UseHoeEvent |
This event is fired when a player attempts to use a Hoe on a block, it
can be canceled to completely prevent any further processing.