public class BlockRedstoneComparator extends BlockRedstoneDiode implements ITileEntityProvider
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
BlockRedstoneComparator.Mode |
IForgeRegistryEntry.Impl<T extends IForgeRegistryEntry<T>>
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static PropertyEnum<BlockRedstoneComparator.Mode> |
static PropertyBool |
isRepeaterPowered, REDSTONE_DIODE_AABB
BLOCK_STATE_IDS, blockHardness, blockMapColor, blockMaterial, blockParticleGravity, blockResistance, blockSoundType, blockState, capturedDrops, captureDrops, enableStats, FULL_BLOCK_AABB, fullBlock, harvesters, isBlockContainer, lightOpacity, lightValue, needsRandomTick, NULL_AABB, RANDOM, REGISTRY, slipperiness, translucent, useNeighborBrightness
Constructor and Description |
BlockRedstoneComparator(boolean powered) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
breakBlock(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
IBlockState state) |
protected int |
calculateInputStrength(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
IBlockState state) |
protected BlockStateContainer |
createBlockState() |
TileEntity |
createNewTileEntity(World worldIn,
int meta) |
boolean |
eventReceived(IBlockState state,
World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
int id,
int param) |
protected int |
getActiveSignal(IBlockAccess worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
IBlockState state) |
protected int |
getDelay(IBlockState state) |
ItemStack |
getItem(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
IBlockState state) |
Item |
getItemDropped(IBlockState state,
java.util.Random rand,
int fortune) |
java.lang.String |
getLocalizedName() |
int |
getMetaFromState(IBlockState state) |
protected IBlockState |
getPoweredState(IBlockState unpoweredState) |
IBlockState |
getStateFromMeta(int meta) |
protected IBlockState |
getUnpoweredState(IBlockState poweredState) |
boolean |
getWeakChanges(IBlockAccess world,
BlockPos pos)
If this block should be notified of weak changes.
protected boolean |
isPowered(IBlockState state) |
boolean |
onBlockActivated(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
IBlockState state,
EntityPlayer playerIn,
EnumHand hand,
ItemStack heldItem,
EnumFacing side,
float hitX,
float hitY,
float hitZ) |
void |
onBlockAdded(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
IBlockState state) |
IBlockState |
onBlockPlaced(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
EnumFacing facing,
float hitX,
float hitY,
float hitZ,
int meta,
EntityLivingBase placer) |
void |
onNeighborChange(IBlockAccess world,
BlockPos pos,
BlockPos neighbor)
Called when a tile entity on a side of this block changes is created or is destroyed.
protected boolean |
shouldBePowered(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
IBlockState state) |
protected void |
updateState(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
IBlockState state) |
void |
updateTick(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
IBlockState state,
java.util.Random rand) |
IBlockState |
withMirror(IBlockState state,
Mirror mirrorIn) |
IBlockState |
withRotation(IBlockState state,
Rotation rot) |
canBlockStay, canPlaceBlockAt, canProvidePower, getBlockLayer, getBoundingBox, getPowerOnSide, getPowerOnSides, getStrongPower, getTickDelay, getWeakPower, isAlternateInput, isAssociatedBlock, isDiode, isFacingTowardsRepeater, isFullCube, isLocked, isOpaqueCube, isSameDiode, neighborChanged, notifyNeighbors, onBlockDestroyedByPlayer, onBlockPlacedBy, randomTick, shouldSideBeRendered
addCollisionBoxToList, addCollisionBoxToList, addDestroyEffects, addHitEffects, addInformation, addLandingEffects, beginLeavesDecay, canBeReplacedByLeaves, canCollideCheck, canConnectRedstone, canCreatureSpawn, canDropFromExplosion, canEntityDestroy, canEntitySpawn, canHarvestBlock, canPlaceBlockOnSide, canPlaceTorchOnTop, canRenderInLayer, canRenderInLayer, canReplace, canSilkHarvest, canSilkHarvest, canSpawnInBlock, canSustainLeaves, canSustainPlant, captureDrops, collisionRayTrace, createStackedBlock, createTileEntity, damageDropped, disableStats, doesSideBlockRendering, dropBlockAsItem, dropBlockAsItemWithChance, dropXpOnBlockBreak, fillWithRain, getActualState, getAmbientOcclusionLightValue, getBeaconColorMultiplier, getBedDirection, getBedSpawnPosition, getBlockById, getBlockFromItem, getBlockFromName, getBlockHardness, getBlockState, getCollisionBoundingBox, getComparatorInputOverride, getCreativeTabToDisplayOn, getDefaultState, getDrops, getEnableStats, getEnchantPowerBonus, getExpDrop, getExplosionResistance, getExplosionResistance, getExtendedState, getFireSpreadSpeed, getFlammability, getHarvestLevel, getHarvestTool, getIdFromBlock, getLightOpacity, getLightOpacity, getLightValue, getLightValue, getMapColor, getMaterial, getMobilityFlag, getOffsetType, getPackedLightmapCoords, getPickBlock, getPlayerRelativeBlockHardness, getRenderType, getSelectedBoundingBox, getSoundType, getSoundType, getStateById, getStateForPlacement, getStateId, getSubBlocks, getTickRandomly, getUnlocalizedName, getUseNeighborBrightness, getValidRotations, harvestBlock, hasComparatorInputOverride, hasTileEntity, hasTileEntity, isAABBInsideMaterial, isAir, isBeaconBase, isBed, isBedFoot, isBlockNormalCube, isBlockSolid, isBurning, isCollidable, isEntityInsideMaterial, isEqualTo, isFertile, isFireSource, isFlammable, isFoliage, isFullBlock, isFullyOpaque, isLadder, isLeaves, isNormalCube, isNormalCube, isPassable, isReplaceable, isReplaceableOreGen, isSideSolid, isToolEffective, isTranslucent, isVisuallyOpaque, isWood, modifyAcceleration, onBlockClicked, onBlockDestroyedByExplosion, onBlockExploded, onBlockHarvested, onEntityCollidedWithBlock, onEntityWalk, onFallenUpon, onLanded, onPlantGrow, quantityDropped, quantityDropped, quantityDroppedWithBonus, randomDisplayTick, rayTrace, recolorBlock, registerBlocks, removedByPlayer, requiresUpdates, rotateBlock, setBedOccupied, setBlockUnbreakable, setCreativeTab, setDefaultState, setHardness, setHarvestLevel, setHarvestLevel, setLightLevel, setLightOpacity, setResistance, setSoundType, setTickRandomly, setUnlocalizedName, shouldCheckWeakPower, spawnAsEntity, tickRate, toString
getRegistryName, getRegistryType, setRegistryName, setRegistryName, setRegistryName
public static final PropertyBool POWERED
public static final PropertyEnum<BlockRedstoneComparator.Mode> MODE
public java.lang.String getLocalizedName()
in class Block
@Nullable public Item getItemDropped(IBlockState state, java.util.Random rand, int fortune)
in class Block
public ItemStack getItem(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state)
protected int getDelay(IBlockState state)
in class BlockRedstoneDiode
protected IBlockState getPoweredState(IBlockState unpoweredState)
in class BlockRedstoneDiode
protected IBlockState getUnpoweredState(IBlockState poweredState)
in class BlockRedstoneDiode
protected boolean isPowered(IBlockState state)
in class BlockRedstoneDiode
protected int getActiveSignal(IBlockAccess worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state)
in class BlockRedstoneDiode
protected boolean shouldBePowered(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state)
in class BlockRedstoneDiode
protected int calculateInputStrength(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state)
in class BlockRedstoneDiode
public boolean onBlockActivated(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, EntityPlayer playerIn, EnumHand hand, @Nullable ItemStack heldItem, EnumFacing side, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ)
in class Block
protected void updateState(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state)
in class BlockRedstoneDiode
public void updateTick(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state, java.util.Random rand)
in class BlockRedstoneDiode
public void onBlockAdded(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state)
in class BlockRedstoneDiode
public void breakBlock(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state)
in class Block
public boolean eventReceived(IBlockState state, World worldIn, BlockPos pos, int id, int param)
in class Block
public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World worldIn, int meta)
in interface ITileEntityProvider
public IBlockState getStateFromMeta(int meta)
in class Block
public int getMetaFromState(IBlockState state)
in class Block
public IBlockState withRotation(IBlockState state, Rotation rot)
in class Block
public IBlockState withMirror(IBlockState state, Mirror mirrorIn)
in class Block
protected BlockStateContainer createBlockState()
in class Block
public IBlockState onBlockPlaced(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, EnumFacing facing, float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ, int meta, EntityLivingBase placer)
in class BlockRedstoneDiode
public void onNeighborChange(IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, BlockPos neighbor)
in class Block
- The worldpos
- Block position in worldneighbor
- Block position of neighborpublic boolean getWeakChanges(IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos)
in class Block
- The current worldpos
- Block position in world