Class | Description |
FMLConstructionEvent | |
FMLEvent | |
FMLFingerprintViolationEvent | |
FMLInitializationEvent | |
FMLInterModComms |
Simple intermod communications to receive simple messages directed at you
from other mods
FMLInterModComms.IMCEvent |
Subscribe to this event to receive your messages (they are sent between
Init and PostInit ) |
FMLInterModComms.IMCMessage |
You will receive an instance of this for each message sent
FMLLoadCompleteEvent | |
FMLLoadEvent | |
FMLMissingMappingsEvent |
This event is fired if a world is loaded that has block and item mappings referring the mod that are not
in existence.
FMLMissingMappingsEvent.MissingMapping | |
FMLModDisabledEvent | |
FMLModIdMappingEvent | |
FMLPostInitializationEvent | |
FMLPreInitializationEvent | |
FMLServerAboutToStartEvent | |
FMLServerStartedEvent | |
FMLServerStartingEvent | |
FMLServerStoppedEvent | |
FMLServerStoppingEvent | |
FMLStateEvent |
Enum | Description |
FMLMissingMappingsEvent.Action |
Actions you can take with this missing mapping.
FMLModIdMappingEvent.RemapTarget |