public class TileEntityStructure extends TileEntity
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
TileEntityStructure.Mode |
blockType, INFINITE_EXTENT_AABB, pos, tileEntityInvalid, worldObj
Constructor and Description |
TileEntityStructure() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
createdBy(EntityLivingBase p_189720_1_) |
boolean |
detectSize() |
ITextComponent |
getDisplayName() |
float |
getIntegrity() |
java.lang.String |
getMetadata() |
Mirror |
getMirror() |
TileEntityStructure.Mode |
getMode() |
java.lang.String |
getName() |
BlockPos |
getPosition() |
Rotation |
getRotation() |
long |
getSeed() |
BlockPos |
getStructureSize() |
SPacketUpdateTileEntity |
getUpdatePacket() |
NBTTagCompound |
getUpdateTag() |
boolean |
ignoresEntities() |
boolean |
isPowered() |
boolean |
isStructureLoadable() |
boolean |
load() |
boolean |
load(boolean p_189714_1_) |
void |
nextMode() |
void |
readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) |
boolean |
save() |
boolean |
save(boolean p_189712_1_) |
void |
setIgnoresEntities(boolean ignoreEntitiesIn) |
void |
setIntegrity(float integrityIn) |
void |
setMetadata(java.lang.String metadataIn) |
void |
setMirror(Mirror mirrorIn) |
void |
setMode(TileEntityStructure.Mode modeIn) |
void |
setName(java.lang.String nameIn) |
void |
setPosition(BlockPos posIn) |
void |
setPowered(boolean poweredIn) |
void |
setRotation(Rotation rotationIn) |
void |
setSeed(long seedIn) |
void |
setShowAir(boolean showAirIn) |
void |
setShowBoundingBox(boolean showBoundingBoxIn) |
void |
setSize(BlockPos sizeIn) |
boolean |
showsAir() |
boolean |
showsBoundingBox() |
void |
unloadStructure() |
boolean |
usedBy(EntityPlayer player) |
void |
writeCoordinates(io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf buf) |
NBTTagCompound |
writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) |
addInfoToCrashReport, addMapping, canRenderBreaking, create, deserializeNBT, getBlockMetadata, getBlockType, getCapability, getDistanceSq, getMaxRenderDistanceSquared, getPos, getRenderBoundingBox, getTileData, getWorld, handleUpdateTag, hasCapability, hasFastRenderer, hasWorldObj, invalidate, isInvalid, markDirty, mirror, onChunkUnload, onDataPacket, onLoad, onlyOpsCanSetNbt, receiveClientEvent, restrictNBTCopy, rotate, serializeNBT, setPos, setWorldCreate, setWorldObj, shouldRefresh, shouldRenderInPass, updateContainingBlockInfo, validate
public NBTTagCompound writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound compound)
in class TileEntity
public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound compound)
in class TileEntity
@Nullable public SPacketUpdateTileEntity getUpdatePacket()
in class TileEntity
public NBTTagCompound getUpdateTag()
in class TileEntity
public boolean usedBy(EntityPlayer player)
public java.lang.String getName()
public void setName(java.lang.String nameIn)
public void createdBy(EntityLivingBase p_189720_1_)
public BlockPos getPosition()
public void setPosition(BlockPos posIn)
public BlockPos getStructureSize()
public void setSize(BlockPos sizeIn)
public Mirror getMirror()
public void setMirror(Mirror mirrorIn)
public void setRotation(Rotation rotationIn)
public void setMetadata(java.lang.String metadataIn)
public Rotation getRotation()
public java.lang.String getMetadata()
public TileEntityStructure.Mode getMode()
public void setMode(TileEntityStructure.Mode modeIn)
public void setIgnoresEntities(boolean ignoreEntitiesIn)
public void setIntegrity(float integrityIn)
public void setSeed(long seedIn)
public void nextMode()
public boolean ignoresEntities()
public float getIntegrity()
public long getSeed()
public boolean detectSize()
public void writeCoordinates(io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf buf)
public boolean save()
public boolean save(boolean p_189712_1_)
public boolean load()
public boolean load(boolean p_189714_1_)
public void unloadStructure()
public boolean isStructureLoadable()
public boolean isPowered()
public void setPowered(boolean poweredIn)
public boolean showsAir()
public void setShowAir(boolean showAirIn)
public boolean showsBoundingBox()
public void setShowBoundingBox(boolean showBoundingBoxIn)
@Nullable public ITextComponent getDisplayName()
in class TileEntity