public class TileEntityPiston extends TileEntity implements ITickable
blockType, INFINITE_EXTENT_AABB, pos, tileEntityInvalid, worldObj
Constructor and Description |
TileEntityPiston() |
TileEntityPiston(IBlockState pistonStateIn,
EnumFacing pistonFacingIn,
boolean extendingIn,
boolean shouldHeadBeRenderedIn) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
clearPistonTileEntity() |
AxisAlignedBB |
getAABB(IBlockAccess p_184321_1_,
BlockPos p_184321_2_) |
AxisAlignedBB |
getAABB(IBlockAccess p_184319_1_,
BlockPos p_184319_2_,
float p_184319_3_) |
int |
getBlockMetadata() |
EnumFacing |
getFacing() |
float |
getOffsetX(float ticks) |
float |
getOffsetY(float ticks) |
float |
getOffsetZ(float ticks) |
IBlockState |
getPistonState() |
float |
getProgress(float ticks) |
boolean |
isExtending() |
void |
readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) |
static void |
registerFixesPiston(DataFixer fixer) |
boolean |
shouldPistonHeadBeRendered() |
void |
update() |
NBTTagCompound |
writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) |
addInfoToCrashReport, addMapping, canRenderBreaking, create, deserializeNBT, getBlockType, getCapability, getDisplayName, getDistanceSq, getMaxRenderDistanceSquared, getPos, getRenderBoundingBox, getTileData, getUpdatePacket, getUpdateTag, getWorld, handleUpdateTag, hasCapability, hasFastRenderer, hasWorldObj, invalidate, isInvalid, markDirty, mirror, onChunkUnload, onDataPacket, onLoad, onlyOpsCanSetNbt, receiveClientEvent, restrictNBTCopy, rotate, serializeNBT, setPos, setWorldCreate, setWorldObj, shouldRefresh, shouldRenderInPass, updateContainingBlockInfo, validate
public TileEntityPiston()
public TileEntityPiston(IBlockState pistonStateIn, EnumFacing pistonFacingIn, boolean extendingIn, boolean shouldHeadBeRenderedIn)
public IBlockState getPistonState()
public int getBlockMetadata()
in class TileEntity
public boolean isExtending()
public EnumFacing getFacing()
public boolean shouldPistonHeadBeRendered()
public float getProgress(float ticks)
public float getOffsetX(float ticks)
public float getOffsetY(float ticks)
public float getOffsetZ(float ticks)
public AxisAlignedBB getAABB(IBlockAccess p_184321_1_, BlockPos p_184321_2_)
public AxisAlignedBB getAABB(IBlockAccess p_184319_1_, BlockPos p_184319_2_, float p_184319_3_)
public void clearPistonTileEntity()
public static void registerFixesPiston(DataFixer fixer)
public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound compound)
in class TileEntity
public NBTTagCompound writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound compound)
in class TileEntity