public class TileEntityEndGateway extends TileEntity implements ITickable
blockType, INFINITE_EXTENT_AABB, pos, tileEntityInvalid, worldObj
Constructor and Description |
TileEntityEndGateway() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
float |
getCooldownPercent() |
double |
getMaxRenderDistanceSquared() |
int |
getParticleAmount() |
float |
getSpawnPercent() |
SPacketUpdateTileEntity |
getUpdatePacket() |
NBTTagCompound |
getUpdateTag() |
boolean |
isCoolingDown() |
boolean |
isSpawning() |
void |
readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) |
boolean |
receiveClientEvent(int id,
int type) |
boolean |
shouldRenderFace(EnumFacing p_184313_1_) |
void |
teleportEntity(Entity entityIn) |
void |
triggerCooldown() |
void |
update() |
NBTTagCompound |
writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) |
addInfoToCrashReport, addMapping, canRenderBreaking, create, deserializeNBT, getBlockMetadata, getBlockType, getCapability, getDisplayName, getDistanceSq, getPos, getRenderBoundingBox, getTileData, getWorld, handleUpdateTag, hasCapability, hasFastRenderer, hasWorldObj, invalidate, isInvalid, markDirty, mirror, onChunkUnload, onDataPacket, onLoad, onlyOpsCanSetNbt, restrictNBTCopy, rotate, serializeNBT, setPos, setWorldCreate, setWorldObj, shouldRefresh, shouldRenderInPass, updateContainingBlockInfo, validate
public NBTTagCompound writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound compound)
in class TileEntity
public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound compound)
in class TileEntity
public double getMaxRenderDistanceSquared()
in class TileEntity
public boolean isSpawning()
public boolean isCoolingDown()
public float getSpawnPercent()
public float getCooldownPercent()
@Nullable public SPacketUpdateTileEntity getUpdatePacket()
in class TileEntity
public NBTTagCompound getUpdateTag()
in class TileEntity
public void triggerCooldown()
public boolean receiveClientEvent(int id, int type)
in class TileEntity
public void teleportEntity(Entity entityIn)
public boolean shouldRenderFace(EnumFacing p_184313_1_)
public int getParticleAmount()