public class RenderGlobal extends java.lang.Object implements IWorldEventListener, IResourceManagerReloadListener
Constructor and Description |
RenderGlobal(Minecraft mcIn) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
addChainedFilledBoxVertices(VertexBuffer p_189693_0_,
double p_189693_1_,
double p_189693_3_,
double p_189693_5_,
double p_189693_7_,
double p_189693_9_,
double p_189693_11_,
float p_189693_13_,
float p_189693_14_,
float p_189693_15_,
float p_189693_16_) |
void |
broadcastSound(int soundID,
BlockPos pos,
int data) |
void |
createBindEntityOutlineFbs(int width,
int height) |
void |
deleteAllDisplayLists() |
void |
drawBlockDamageTexture(Tessellator tessellatorIn,
VertexBuffer worldRendererIn,
Entity entityIn,
float partialTicks) |
static void |
drawBoundingBox(double minX,
double minY,
double minZ,
double maxX,
double maxY,
double maxZ,
float red,
float green,
float blue,
float alpha) |
static void |
drawBoundingBox(VertexBuffer buffer,
double minX,
double minY,
double minZ,
double maxX,
double maxY,
double maxZ,
float red,
float green,
float blue,
float alpha) |
static void |
drawSelectionBoundingBox(AxisAlignedBB box,
float red,
float green,
float blue,
float alpha) |
void |
drawSelectionBox(EntityPlayer player,
RayTraceResult movingObjectPositionIn,
int execute,
float partialTicks) |
java.lang.String |
getDebugInfoEntities() |
java.lang.String |
getDebugInfoRenders() |
protected int |
getRenderedChunks() |
protected org.lwjgl.util.vector.Vector3f |
getViewVector(Entity entityIn,
double partialTicks) |
boolean |
hasCloudFog(double x,
double y,
double z,
float partialTicks) |
boolean |
hasNoChunkUpdates() |
protected boolean |
isRenderEntityOutlines() |
void |
loadRenderers() |
void |
makeEntityOutlineShader() |
void |
markBlockRangeForRenderUpdate(int x1,
int y1,
int z1,
int x2,
int y2,
int z2) |
void |
notifyBlockUpdate(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
IBlockState oldState,
IBlockState newState,
int flags) |
void |
notifyLightSet(BlockPos pos) |
void |
onEntityAdded(Entity entityIn) |
void |
onEntityRemoved(Entity entityIn) |
void |
onResourceManagerReload(IResourceManager resourceManager) |
void |
playEvent(EntityPlayer player,
int type,
BlockPos blockPosIn,
int data) |
void |
playRecord(SoundEvent soundIn,
BlockPos pos) |
void |
playSoundToAllNearExcept(EntityPlayer player,
SoundEvent soundIn,
SoundCategory category,
double x,
double y,
double z,
float volume,
float pitch) |
int |
renderBlockLayer(BlockRenderLayer blockLayerIn,
double partialTicks,
int pass,
Entity entityIn) |
void |
renderClouds(float partialTicks,
int pass) |
void |
renderEntities(Entity renderViewEntity,
ICamera camera,
float partialTicks) |
void |
renderEntityOutlineFramebuffer() |
static void |
renderFilledBox(AxisAlignedBB p_189696_0_,
float p_189696_1_,
float p_189696_2_,
float p_189696_3_,
float p_189696_4_) |
static void |
renderFilledBox(double p_189695_0_,
double p_189695_2_,
double p_189695_4_,
double p_189695_6_,
double p_189695_8_,
double p_189695_10_,
float p_189695_12_,
float p_189695_13_,
float p_189695_14_,
float p_189695_15_) |
void |
renderSky(float partialTicks,
int pass) |
void |
renderWorldBorder(Entity entityIn,
float partialTicks) |
void |
sendBlockBreakProgress(int breakerId,
BlockPos pos,
int progress) |
void |
setDisplayListEntitiesDirty() |
void |
setupTerrain(Entity viewEntity,
double partialTicks,
ICamera camera,
int frameCount,
boolean playerSpectator) |
void |
setWorldAndLoadRenderers(WorldClient worldClientIn) |
void |
spawnParticle(int particleID,
boolean ignoreRange,
double xCoord,
double yCoord,
double zCoord,
double xSpeed,
double ySpeed,
double zSpeed,
int... parameters) |
protected void |
stopChunkUpdates() |
void |
updateChunks(long finishTimeNano) |
void |
updateClouds() |
void |
updateTileEntities(java.util.Collection<TileEntity> tileEntitiesToRemove,
java.util.Collection<TileEntity> tileEntitiesToAdd) |
public RenderGlobal(Minecraft mcIn)
public void onResourceManagerReload(IResourceManager resourceManager)
in interface IResourceManagerReloadListener
public void makeEntityOutlineShader()
public void renderEntityOutlineFramebuffer()
protected boolean isRenderEntityOutlines()
public void setWorldAndLoadRenderers(@Nullable WorldClient worldClientIn)
public void loadRenderers()
protected void stopChunkUpdates()
public void createBindEntityOutlineFbs(int width, int height)
public void renderEntities(Entity renderViewEntity, ICamera camera, float partialTicks)
public java.lang.String getDebugInfoRenders()
protected int getRenderedChunks()
public java.lang.String getDebugInfoEntities()
public void setupTerrain(Entity viewEntity, double partialTicks, ICamera camera, int frameCount, boolean playerSpectator)
protected org.lwjgl.util.vector.Vector3f getViewVector(Entity entityIn, double partialTicks)
public int renderBlockLayer(BlockRenderLayer blockLayerIn, double partialTicks, int pass, Entity entityIn)
public void updateClouds()
public void renderSky(float partialTicks, int pass)
public void renderClouds(float partialTicks, int pass)
public boolean hasCloudFog(double x, double y, double z, float partialTicks)
public void updateChunks(long finishTimeNano)
public void renderWorldBorder(Entity entityIn, float partialTicks)
public void drawBlockDamageTexture(Tessellator tessellatorIn, VertexBuffer worldRendererIn, Entity entityIn, float partialTicks)
public void drawSelectionBox(EntityPlayer player, RayTraceResult movingObjectPositionIn, int execute, float partialTicks)
public static void drawSelectionBoundingBox(AxisAlignedBB box, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha)
public static void drawBoundingBox(double minX, double minY, double minZ, double maxX, double maxY, double maxZ, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha)
public static void drawBoundingBox(VertexBuffer buffer, double minX, double minY, double minZ, double maxX, double maxY, double maxZ, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha)
public static void renderFilledBox(AxisAlignedBB p_189696_0_, float p_189696_1_, float p_189696_2_, float p_189696_3_, float p_189696_4_)
public static void renderFilledBox(double p_189695_0_, double p_189695_2_, double p_189695_4_, double p_189695_6_, double p_189695_8_, double p_189695_10_, float p_189695_12_, float p_189695_13_, float p_189695_14_, float p_189695_15_)
public static void addChainedFilledBoxVertices(VertexBuffer p_189693_0_, double p_189693_1_, double p_189693_3_, double p_189693_5_, double p_189693_7_, double p_189693_9_, double p_189693_11_, float p_189693_13_, float p_189693_14_, float p_189693_15_, float p_189693_16_)
public void notifyBlockUpdate(World worldIn, BlockPos pos, IBlockState oldState, IBlockState newState, int flags)
in interface IWorldEventListener
public void notifyLightSet(BlockPos pos)
in interface IWorldEventListener
public void markBlockRangeForRenderUpdate(int x1, int y1, int z1, int x2, int y2, int z2)
in interface IWorldEventListener
public void playRecord(@Nullable SoundEvent soundIn, BlockPos pos)
in interface IWorldEventListener
public void playSoundToAllNearExcept(@Nullable EntityPlayer player, SoundEvent soundIn, SoundCategory category, double x, double y, double z, float volume, float pitch)
in interface IWorldEventListener
public void spawnParticle(int particleID, boolean ignoreRange, double xCoord, double yCoord, double zCoord, double xSpeed, double ySpeed, double zSpeed, int... parameters)
in interface IWorldEventListener
public void onEntityAdded(Entity entityIn)
in interface IWorldEventListener
public void onEntityRemoved(Entity entityIn)
in interface IWorldEventListener
public void deleteAllDisplayLists()
public void broadcastSound(int soundID, BlockPos pos, int data)
in interface IWorldEventListener
public void playEvent(EntityPlayer player, int type, BlockPos blockPosIn, int data)
in interface IWorldEventListener
public void sendBlockBreakProgress(int breakerId, BlockPos pos, int progress)
in interface IWorldEventListener
public boolean hasNoChunkUpdates()
public void setDisplayListEntitiesDirty()
public void updateTileEntities(java.util.Collection<TileEntity> tileEntitiesToRemove, java.util.Collection<TileEntity> tileEntitiesToAdd)