All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Deprecated Methods
Modifier and Type |
Method and Description |
void |
addCollisionBoxToList(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
AxisAlignedBB p_185908_3_,
java.util.List<AxisAlignedBB> p_185908_4_,
Entity p_185908_5_) |
boolean |
canEntitySpawn(Entity entityIn) |
boolean |
canProvidePower() |
RayTraceResult |
collisionRayTrace(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos,
Vec3d start,
Vec3d end) |
boolean |
doesSideBlockRendering(IBlockAccess world,
BlockPos pos,
EnumFacing side) |
IBlockState |
getActualState(IBlockAccess blockAccess,
BlockPos pos) |
float |
getAmbientOcclusionLightValue() |
float |
getBlockHardness(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos) |
AxisAlignedBB |
getBoundingBox(IBlockAccess blockAccess,
BlockPos pos) |
AxisAlignedBB |
getCollisionBoundingBox(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos) |
int |
getComparatorInputOverride(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos) |
int |
int |
getLightOpacity(IBlockAccess world,
BlockPos pos) |
int |
int |
getLightValue(IBlockAccess world,
BlockPos pos) |
MapColor |
getMapColor() |
Material |
getMaterial() |
EnumPushReaction |
getMobilityFlag() |
int |
getPackedLightmapCoords(IBlockAccess source,
BlockPos pos) |
float |
getPlayerRelativeBlockHardness(EntityPlayer player,
World worldIn,
BlockPos pos) |
EnumBlockRenderType |
getRenderType() |
AxisAlignedBB |
getSelectedBoundingBox(World worldIn,
BlockPos pos) |
int |
getStrongPower(IBlockAccess blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
EnumFacing side) |
int |
getWeakPower(IBlockAccess blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
EnumFacing side) |
boolean |
hasComparatorInputOverride() |
boolean |
isBlockNormalCube() |
boolean |
isFullBlock() |
boolean |
isFullCube() |
boolean |
boolean |
isNormalCube() |
boolean |
isOpaqueCube() |
boolean |
isSideSolid(IBlockAccess world,
BlockPos pos,
EnumFacing side) |
boolean |
isTranslucent() |
boolean |
shouldSideBeRendered(IBlockAccess blockAccess,
BlockPos pos,
EnumFacing facing) |
boolean |
useNeighborBrightness() |
IBlockState |
withMirror(Mirror mirrorIn) |
IBlockState |
withRotation(Rotation rot) |